This script watches how you move the mouse whenever the right mouse button is being held down. You can also monitor any window by dragging a selection rectangle around the area of interest (with control-shift-drag), then press Win+ W to display that section in the preview window with real-time updates.

The preview window stays always-on-top but uses very little screen space (it can also be resized by dragging its edges). LiveWindows allows you to monitor the progress of downloads, file-copying, and other dialogs by displaying a small replica of each dialog and its progress bar (dialogs are automatically detected, even if they're behind other windows). This screen magnifier has the several advantages over the one included with the operating system, including: Customizable refresh interval and zoom level (including shrink/de-magnify) antialiasing to provide nicer output and it is open-source (as a result, there are several variations to choose from, or you can tweak the script yourself). For more ready-to-run scripts and functions, see Scripts and Functions Forum. This showcase lists some scripts created by different authors which show what AutoHotkey might be capable of. Script Showcase | AutoHotkey AutoHotkey Script Showcase