Unzip the Toddlers Mod somewhere, inside you should see a folder ATFToddlers.It is MANDATORY that it goes straight into the Mods folder, DO NOT PUT IT IN A SUB FOLDER.Drag the ATFChildren folder straight into your Mods folder (.The Sims 4ModsATFChildren).Unzip the Children Mod somewhere, inside you should see a folder ATFChildren.Download and install WickedWhims properly (Ensure the WW version installed matches the one specified in this thread).ThatYamiGuy/YamiJoeysDog loli wear diapers postersĪnimations Addons (Optional requeriment) Title

Primary Mod, enables WickedWhims for children. 35+ traits to create truly unique sims that actually change gameplay! Become a member of the suga squad: goo.gl/au6sf7 i'm seriously beyond happy i found t. Sssvitlans: “Creative Trait for Toddlers by UltimateGamer89 (Sims 4) DESCRIPTION This mods brings a new trait, along with custom whims for that trait, along with new buffs, and changes to gameplay! The Sims 4 Toddlers really are the best, i remember disliking toddlers cause although you could help train them to walk and talk it would not do anything, as soon as they age up they will continue as normal, there wasn’t much influence you had but now on the sims 4 you can influence your sims in their future life. Sims 4 Mods Sims 4 Body Mods Sims 4 Game Mods Sims Games Sims 4 Teen Sims Four Sims 4 Toddler Sims Cc Sims Traits. Now you can, with the Celebrity trait! As the image implies, Celebrities gains Charisma.